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Pre and Postnatal Wellness

We are here to help you learn how best to support your changing or healing body! Wellness sessions are all about empowering you with knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of your pregnant or postpartum body in order to feel your best and prevent dysfunction. 


We understand that women deserve so much more than the current standard of care. Most of our pregnant clients express feeling like the medical system does not adequately help prepare for childbirth or establish proper expectations for postpartum. Our postpartum clients express feeling unsure of how to tackle resuming normal activity after being "cleared for everything" by their medical provider at their 6-week follow up. Some clients feel ready to return to high intensity exercise but don't know how to do so safely and some feel nowhere near back to "normal." Our goal is to fill these gaps!


Our wellness​ services are designed to help women better cope with the changes they are experiencing and prepare for the unpredictability of birth. We believe all women deserve access to a safe space where they can shamelessly vent, learn and ask all of the questions they need to as they navigate this time in their lives. Whether feeling scared, anxious, overwhelmed, excited, worried, happy or all of the above--we strive for our clients to feel validated at each encounter. That’s why our approach is to provide the education, guidance and feedback that fits best with your unique journey. You can choose to do sessions in your home within our service area or virtually from anywhere.

Proactive Pregnancy Series

This 7-session series is designed to begin sometime in the 2nd trimester or early 3rd trimester. Sessions can be scheduled weekly or biweekly and includes weekly check-ins in between sessions. The last session is a postpartum check-in that can be scheduled whenever you feel ready.


What we will cover:

  • How to build a core and pelvic floor connection beyond just kegels 

  • Constipation management

  • Recommended exercises to optimize breathing, posture, fetal position and decrease aches and pains 

  • Creation of a personalized movement guide to support your body and promote optimal fetal positioning

  • Prenatal lactation counseling 

  • Childbirth preparation including breathing techniques, positions for each stage of labor and strategies to decrease risk of perineal tearing

  • Early recovery after vaginal birth and/or Cesarean

What are the benefits?

  • Decreased risk of developing pressure related issues like hemorrhoids, prolapse and diastasis recti

  • Decreased risk of developing persistent pelvic floor dysfunction postpartum including incontinence and prolapse

  • Less aches and pains related to hormonal and postural changes

  • Maintain an exercise routine which will improve outcomes for you and your baby

  • Increase your chances of breastfeeding successfully and without pain starting immediately after you give birth 

  • Help to progress your labor and decrease the need for medical intervention

  • Feel better faster postpartum

Guided Recovery Series

This 5-session series can begin as early as 1 week and up to 3 months postpartum. It includes weekly check-ins and sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly or whenever works best with your new and ever changing schedule!


What we will cover:

  • Reconnecting with your core and pelvic floor

  • Movements to optimize breathing, posture and strength

  • Management of aches and pains

  • Scar care 

  • Safe use of supportive clothing/devices 

  • Return to exercise with appropriate progressions 

  • Strategies to increase your comfort with return to sexual activity

  • Lactation counseling






What are the benefits?

  • Improve scar tissue that can lead to adhesions, back pain and decreased core strength

  • Start to use your core again safely without causing harm to your healing tissues 

  • Feel supported to reach your breastfeeding goals 

  • Return to doing your favorite exercises safely 

  • Decrease aches and pains related to infant care

  • Use supports appropriately so they help you and don’t harm you

  • Feel confident and more comfortable resuming sex

A La Carte Sessions

What if these packages don’t work for you?! Maybe you are further along in your pregnancy or postpartum journey or are interested in learning more about a certain topic and less about another. Don’t worry! We offer single sessions or custom series based on your needs. Additional sessions can also be added to any series if needed.

Group Sessions

Are you and your bestie(s) pregnant at the same time? Do you want to learn together? We offer custom group sessions for up to 8 people based on your needs. These sessions can cover the basics of breastfeeding, pelvic floor/core connection, labor prep and exercise.



Not sure about a wellness approach?
These are just some of the benefits.

  • your risk of developing 1) pressure related issues like hemorrhoids, prolapse and diastasis recti and 2) persistent pelvic floor dysfunction like incontinence and prolapse

  • aches and pains related to 1) hormonal and postural changes during pregnancy 2) infant care


  • move your body to help progress labor to decrease the need for medical intervention

  • use your core again safely postpartum without causing harm to your healing tissues 

  • use supports appropriately so they help you and don’t harm you

Understand how to

  • birth outcomes for you and your baby by maintaining a safe and effective exercise routine during pregnancy 

  • your chances of breastfeeding successfully and without pain starting immediately after you give birth 

  • scar tissue that can lead to adhesions, back pain and decreased core strength



  • stay active throughout your pregnancy 

  • advocate for yourself during labor 

  • achieve your breastfeeding goals whatever they may be

  • return to doing your favorite exercises safely postpartum

  • give your body what it needs, even when taking care of your little one

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