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Nursing Newborn

Although breastfeeding is natural, it's not necessarily instinctive. After birth, it takes you and your baby time get to know each other and learn how to breastfeed efficiently. Research demonstrates that most mothers who stopped feeding by 10 days postpartum did so because of milk supply concerns. Nipple and breast pain are also common reasons to discontinue breastfeeding before you feel ready to. Although breast and nipple pain commonly occur, these symptoms are not normal. Milk supply concerns and pain issues can almost always be resolved with proper lactation support. 


We recommend that every pregnant woman receive one prenatal lactation counseling session to better understand breastfeeding and create appropriate expectations for milk supply, feeding frequency and proper latching. After birth, everyone should receive lactation support, even if problems are not present but especially when problems do arise.


We combine experience in neonatal and pediatric development with the most current, evidence-based lactation practices to support you on your breastfeeding journey. Our counseling prioritizes creating a safe space for you to feel heard, understood and never judged. 





Lactation Counseling

Lactation Offerings

Recommended in your third trimester of pregnancy, this 60-minute class covers all the basics of initiating breastfeeding after birth, how to know your baby is getting enough milk, proper latching strategies, expectations for milk supply and breast changes, pumping/expression basics and introducing a bottle.


Prenatal Counseling

This ​45-minute session is recommended for when you have already begun breastfeeding. It is meant to guide moms who are confused, unsure or looking for clarity on anything. This may include questions about feeding frequency, latching, what's "normal," pumping, bottles, strategies for increasing milk supply or strategies to manage minor breastfeeding concerns. 


Question Session

This 90-minute session is for anyone experiencing breastfeeding challenges which may include breast/nipple pain, milk supply and/or baby weight gain concerns, engorgement and recurrent clogged ducts. It always includes a thorough interview, breast/nipple exam and feeding assessment. When applicable,  it also includes a weighted feed and/or flange fitting. This session takes place in your home.​


Comprehensive Counseling

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